Geography is Far more Different to what You initially Thought

Whenever you think of the topic geography, what initially comes to your mind? Is it about capitals, cities or maps? Some people may think that it is what geography is about but in reality, there’s more to it. If you are going to enrol in online courses about focusing about this subject such as in, you’ll soon learn that geography is the study of people and humans through space and time and how spaces have formed history. It is actually a remarkable field of study and also, an important one too.

What’s Geography?

As per the National Geographic, geography is about studying places and relationship between humans and their environment. With this in mind, you can see the geography is more than just knowledge of countries, capitals and studying maps.

Truth is, geography is about human connections with places and spaces. Physical properties of earth like mountain ranges as well as bodies of water for instance can drastically impact how humans think, act and move. Geography is seeking to understand and figure out how physical landscapes have formed human history.

Understand our Planet through Geography

With geography, it can help us to have better understanding of our planet’s systems, changes and movements. Topics that are relevant to today like climate change, natural resources, water availability and the likes can be understood with greater ease by those who are well aware of geography. Human geography is a vital component of geography as well. Being able to know the relationship between cultures and to why they exist in the first place is critical in the ever growing population of the world.

Studying geography can also help us to gain awareness of a place. All spaces and places have history behind them that is shaped by climate, earth and humans themselves. Through geography, it can give meaning and also, awareness to spaces and places. It can even help students who have spatial awareness of the planet. Being able to understand direction and to where things are in the world is an important skill to have despite the easy access we have to the internet.