BBC Studios has announced plans of running a TV show chronicling the journeys of Greta Thunberg as a climate activist. The plans for the show is follow and document the 17-year old Swedish climate icon in her travels across the globe, as she meets with political leaders and leading climate scientists.
The young activist has been traveling across the globe, relentlessly expounding and exploring actions that people around the world must take in order to solve the climate change problem and to limit the damage caused by the phenomenon.
Last Monday’s announcement at BBC’s Showcase event in Liverpool though, did not give specific details about the title, the number of episodes as well as the broadcaster chosen to anchor the series. it is quite obvious UK’s leading broadcast company is quite excited about the project.
Prominent British journalist and broadcaster Rob Lidell, who is the executive producer, enthused that
”Climate change is currently one of the most important issue of our lives, which makes it timely to produce an authoritative series exploring the facts and science behind this complex subject.”
He added that to be able to carry out their goal with Greta is an extraordinary privilege, since they will also be featuring one of the most famous faces on the planet today and at the same get an inside view on what Ms. Thunberg feels on being a global icon.
The show also plans to feature teenager during her quiet moments while writing impactful speeches being broadcasted and analyzed throughout the world. A statement Greta made in January 24, 2020 at Davos, Switzerland, where leading business leaders attended the 50th annual economic forum, has now spread globally:
‘Young people are being let down by older generations’
Hulu Also Poised to Air a Greta Thunberg Documentary
Hulu, the Disney-owned U.S. on-demand streaming service, has also made it known that they are currently working on a Greta Thunberg documentary, tentatively tilted as “Greta.” Produced by B-Reel Films, the documentary will show the teenage climate activist, from her early days as a 15-year old Swedish student who started a school strike in Stockholm, to appearing in parliaments and participating in massive international protests.